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The term "evangelism" has been researched in German-speaking countries for over 20 years. The term "evangelism" is understood as an absolutely fundamental topic of a faith that lives only from the communication of the external word - verbum alienum - despite a certain conceptual controversy, which mostly stems from different pre-understandings.

Due to this high relevance, the Research Institute for Evangelism and Church Development (IEEG) has regularly contributed to the research discourse on this topic, which is an extremely dynamic one from a global perspective.
In dieser Tradition steht das IMK und führt die Forschung fort.

The IMK follows in this tradition and continues this research. The continuity between the IEEG and IMK is demonstrated not least by the book "Evangelism. Theological Foundations, Approaches and Perspectives", which brings together the research work of the IEEG and identifies potential for future research.
One of these future potentials is evangelism in the digital space, which was examined in more detail in an initial research project. The study on digital communication of faith provides exploratory findings that are to be further expanded theologically and empirically in future research projects.

Evangelism is also part of the IMK's regular training program; the seminar "Einladend Predigen" (invitingly preaching) teaches the latest research findings and the basics of homiletics and evangelism in a practical way that is relevant to everyday life.

Contact Person

Sarah Wendelin BSC BTH.

research assistant

Dipl. theol. Wolf Kammerer

theological science research associate