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Regio-Local Church Development

The term "regional-local church development" refers to the intentional combination of regional planning and local organization of church and parish life with the aim of combining the potential of both levels instead of playing them off against each other. The idea was developed by Michael Herbst (IEEG) and Hans-Hermann Pompe (ZmiR and midi) and follows the logic: "congregational development (local) is complemented and enriched by church development (regional)".

At the IMK, we focus in particular on the actors: What changes result for pastoral theology through regio-local church development, for example in the job description of pastors, in the understanding of the role of volunteers? How does the coexistence become a community of service? What role can multi-professional teams play? How can the local Christian community become lively and mature?

The IMK is also involved in an ecumenical research network on this topic

Contact Person

Pfarrer Dipl.theol. Bernhard Schröder

theological science research associate

Prof. Dr. Michael Herbst

senior advisor